Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Pemilihan Program Studi di Perguruan Tinggi Berdasarkan Nilai Try Out INTEN dengan Metode Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)

Dhea Angel Silfany, Chesa Saskia Rafika, Salsabilla Farida Firdaus, Anggraini Puspita Sari


Decision Support System (DSS) for selecting college programs based on test results using the TOPSIS method (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) enables students to choose programs that best match their academic abilities. This is intended to assist you in deciding on a suitable program of study. The TOPSIS method was chosen for its ability to evaluate alternatives based on their proximity to the ideal solution. The research process involves several stages: collecting test score data, normalizing scores, weighting scores, calculating relative closeness scores, and analyzing results to generate program recommendations. Test scores are gathered from INTEN tutoring results and processed using a maximum scale for each criterion. The output of this system is a ranking of recommended learning programs based on their closeness to the ideal solution. Through evaluation, the system provides objective recommendations and helps students select courses that align with their academic abilities.


Decision Support System, TOPSIS, Study Program Selection, Try-Out Scores, Normalization, Weighting, Ideal Solution, Criteria Analysis

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