in general, information dissemination facilities in the current technological era can be done quickly
and easily through the android application media. One of the most frequently used media for
information dissemination is chatting. The problem with this research is that the chat application allows
someone to send messages or files to other users who have access rights, with the risk that the data will
be seen by anyone who has access rights in it. This can happen because in the chat application can see
anything that is shared as long as you have access rights, but sometimes there is some data that is
privacy. So it is necessary to add a means to secure this privacy data so it cannot be seen by other users.
The solution to overcome this problem is a cryptographic system. One cryptographic method that
provides solutions to information security problems is the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method.
Therefore this thesis proposal is to create an online system in order to implement cryptography with the
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method for Android-based chat applications. The testing process
in this study using 25 image data obtained, the smallest avalanche effect value is 36.52801638, the
biggest avalanche effect is 94,67749211. And obtained an average avalanche effect value of
79,8881925. The average avalanche effect that produces a large enough percentage proves that the
application is running well, because the greater the percentage obtained, the better the application is
running. From the above test it can be concluded that the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm
method is effective for hiding data files in chat applications that are privacy
In general, information dissemination facilities in the current technological era can be done quickly
and easily through the android application media. One of the most frequently used media for
information dissemination is chatting. The problem with this research is that the chat application allows
someone to send messages or files to other users who have access rights, with the risk that the data will
be seen by anyone who has access rights in it. This can happen because in the chat application can see
anything that is shared as long as you have access rights, but sometimes there is some data that is
privacy. So it is necessary to add a means to secure this privacy data so it cannot be seen by other users.
The solution to overcome this problem is a cryptographic system. One cryptographic method that
provides solutions to information security problems is the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method.
Therefore this thesis proposal is to create an online system in order to implement cryptography with the
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method for Android-based chat applications. The testing process
in this study using 25 image data obtained, the smallest avalanche effect value is 36.52801638, the
biggest avalanche effect is 94,67749211. And obtained an average avalanche effect value of
79,8881925. The average avalanche effect that produces a large enough percentage proves that the
application is running well, because the greater the percentage obtained, the better the application is
running. From the above test it can be concluded that the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm
method is effective for hiding data files in chat applications that are privacy.
Keywords: Cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithm, Avalanche Effect
Secara umum, fasilitas penyebaran informasi pada era teknologi yang saat ini dapat dilakukan dengan
cepat dan mudah melalui media aplikasi android. Salah satu media yang paling sering digunakan untuk
penyebaran informasi adalah chatting. Masalah dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi chatting
memungkinkan seseorang dapat mengirim pesan ataupun file kepada user lain yang telah memiliki hak
akses, dengan resiko datanya akan dapat dilihat oleh siapa saja yang memiliki hak akses didalamnya.
Hal ini dapat terjadi karena didalam aplikasi chatting tersebut dapat melihat apapun yang dibagi selama
memiliki hak akses, namun terkadang ada beberapa data yang bersifat privasi. Sehingga perlu
ditambahkan suatu sarana untuk mengamankan data privasi ini agar tidak dapat dilihat oleh user lain.
Adapun solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka dibuatlah sebuah sistem kriptografi. Salah satu
metode kriptografi yang memberikan solusi untuk permasalahan keamanan informasi adalah metode
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Oleh karena itu proposal skripsi ini untuk membuat sebuah sistem
online agar dapat mengimplementasikan cryptography dengan metode Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) untuk aplikasi chatting berbasis Android. Proses pengujian pada penelitian ini menggunakan 25
data citra didapatkan, nilai avalanche effect terkecil adalah 36,52801638, avalanche effect terbesar
adalah 94,67749211. Dan didapatkan nilai avalanche effect rata – rata sebesar 79,8881925. Nilai rata –
rata avalanche effect yang menghasilkan persentase yang cukup besar membuktikan bahwa aplikasi
berjalan dengan baik, karena semakin besar persentase yang didapatkan maka semakin baik aplikasi itu
berjalan. Dari pengujian diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode algoritma Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) ini efektif untuk menyembunyikan file data pada aplikasi chatting yang bersifat privasi.
Kata Kunci : Kriptografi, Algoritma Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Avalanche Effect
and easily through the android application media. One of the most frequently used media for
information dissemination is chatting. The problem with this research is that the chat application allows
someone to send messages or files to other users who have access rights, with the risk that the data will
be seen by anyone who has access rights in it. This can happen because in the chat application can see
anything that is shared as long as you have access rights, but sometimes there is some data that is
privacy. So it is necessary to add a means to secure this privacy data so it cannot be seen by other users.
The solution to overcome this problem is a cryptographic system. One cryptographic method that
provides solutions to information security problems is the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method.
Therefore this thesis proposal is to create an online system in order to implement cryptography with the
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method for Android-based chat applications. The testing process
in this study using 25 image data obtained, the smallest avalanche effect value is 36.52801638, the
biggest avalanche effect is 94,67749211. And obtained an average avalanche effect value of
79,8881925. The average avalanche effect that produces a large enough percentage proves that the
application is running well, because the greater the percentage obtained, the better the application is
running. From the above test it can be concluded that the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm
method is effective for hiding data files in chat applications that are privacy
In general, information dissemination facilities in the current technological era can be done quickly
and easily through the android application media. One of the most frequently used media for
information dissemination is chatting. The problem with this research is that the chat application allows
someone to send messages or files to other users who have access rights, with the risk that the data will
be seen by anyone who has access rights in it. This can happen because in the chat application can see
anything that is shared as long as you have access rights, but sometimes there is some data that is
privacy. So it is necessary to add a means to secure this privacy data so it cannot be seen by other users.
The solution to overcome this problem is a cryptographic system. One cryptographic method that
provides solutions to information security problems is the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method.
Therefore this thesis proposal is to create an online system in order to implement cryptography with the
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) method for Android-based chat applications. The testing process
in this study using 25 image data obtained, the smallest avalanche effect value is 36.52801638, the
biggest avalanche effect is 94,67749211. And obtained an average avalanche effect value of
79,8881925. The average avalanche effect that produces a large enough percentage proves that the
application is running well, because the greater the percentage obtained, the better the application is
running. From the above test it can be concluded that the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm
method is effective for hiding data files in chat applications that are privacy.
Keywords: Cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithm, Avalanche Effect
Secara umum, fasilitas penyebaran informasi pada era teknologi yang saat ini dapat dilakukan dengan
cepat dan mudah melalui media aplikasi android. Salah satu media yang paling sering digunakan untuk
penyebaran informasi adalah chatting. Masalah dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi chatting
memungkinkan seseorang dapat mengirim pesan ataupun file kepada user lain yang telah memiliki hak
akses, dengan resiko datanya akan dapat dilihat oleh siapa saja yang memiliki hak akses didalamnya.
Hal ini dapat terjadi karena didalam aplikasi chatting tersebut dapat melihat apapun yang dibagi selama
memiliki hak akses, namun terkadang ada beberapa data yang bersifat privasi. Sehingga perlu
ditambahkan suatu sarana untuk mengamankan data privasi ini agar tidak dapat dilihat oleh user lain.
Adapun solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka dibuatlah sebuah sistem kriptografi. Salah satu
metode kriptografi yang memberikan solusi untuk permasalahan keamanan informasi adalah metode
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Oleh karena itu proposal skripsi ini untuk membuat sebuah sistem
online agar dapat mengimplementasikan cryptography dengan metode Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) untuk aplikasi chatting berbasis Android. Proses pengujian pada penelitian ini menggunakan 25
data citra didapatkan, nilai avalanche effect terkecil adalah 36,52801638, avalanche effect terbesar
adalah 94,67749211. Dan didapatkan nilai avalanche effect rata – rata sebesar 79,8881925. Nilai rata –
rata avalanche effect yang menghasilkan persentase yang cukup besar membuktikan bahwa aplikasi
berjalan dengan baik, karena semakin besar persentase yang didapatkan maka semakin baik aplikasi itu
berjalan. Dari pengujian diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode algoritma Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) ini efektif untuk menyembunyikan file data pada aplikasi chatting yang bersifat privasi.
Kata Kunci : Kriptografi, Algoritma Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Avalanche Effect
Cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithm, Avalanche Effect
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