Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Seleksi Produk Unggulan UMKM dengan Metode MADM Model Yager

Muh. Nurtanzis Sutoyo


This study is to evaluate the performance of eleven Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) utilizing the Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) Yager Model. This approach is employed to identify the optimal alternative based on multiple variables, including product quality, innovation, production capacity, sustainability, and market potential. The research method commences with data normalization, achieved by dividing each criterion value by the maximum value, succeeded by Yager aggregation, which amalgamates the normalized values according to established criteria weights. The findings reveal that MSME_4 obtained the greatest score of 0.911, establishing it as the primary option. The ranking phase offers a summary of each MSME's standing according to the cumulative scores, so enabling systematic decision-making. The findings indicate that the MADM Yager Model is a proficient instrument for facilitating data-driven analysis and decision-making. This study aims to advance the development of MSMEs, namely by improving their market competitiveness


MADM Model Yager; UMKM, Normalisasi; Agregasi Yager

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