Identifikasi Gas Biogenik Berdasarkan Data Geolistrik Resistivitas Konfigurasi Sclumberger di Desa Larangan Tokol, Tlanakan, Pamekasan Provinsi Jawa Timur
Di Desa Larangan Tokol, Tlanakan, Pamekasan, terdapat wisata Api Tak Kunjung Padam. Fenomena alam itu berupa keluarnya gas alam dari dalam tanah. Berjarak 500 meter dari Api Tak Kunjung Padam terdapat juga fenomena alam berupa keluar nya gas alam dari dalam tanah. Dibutuhkan eksplorasi yang cepat dan tepat untuk menemukan sumber gas dangkal yang dapat dimanfaatkan di sekitar lokasi penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui kondisi litologi bawah permukaan dan menghitung potensi Reservoir biogenic Shallow gas berdasarkan data geolistrik resistivitas. Pengolahan dan pemodelan data geolistrik dengan menggunakan software. Dari analisis geolistrik yang telah dilakukan, secara keseluruhan pada lokasi penelitian terdapat tiga jenis lapisan batuan yang teridentifikasi, berurutan dari atas yaitu lapisan lempung, lapisan napal dan lapisan pasir. Teridentifikasi lapisan reservoir gas rawa berupa batupasir dengan kedalaman 20 – 50 m, berdasarkan pemodelan bawah permukaan daerah penelitian, didapatkan volume potensi reservoir gas biogenik 16.793.332 m3.
Larangan Tokol Village, Tlanakan District, Pamekasan Regency has a tourist object of natural fire, namely Api Tak Kunjung Padam. It actually belongs to a natural phenomenon that can emit natural gas from the ground. Located 500 meters from Api Tak Kunjung Padam, there is also a similar natural phenomenon of gas escaping from the ground. Fast and precise exploration is needed to find shallow gas sources that can be utilized around the research site. Therefore, this study was aimed at calculating the potential of the shallow biogenic gas reservoir by employing the geoelectrical method of the Schlumberger configuration resistivity. IPI2win and Progress software were used to process the data, and Rockwork 16 was used for data modeling. The results of the geoelectrical analysis indicated that overall, the research site had three types of rock layers, sequentially from the top, namely the clay layer, the marl layer, and the sand layer. It also identified a reservoir layer of swamp gas in the form of sandstone at a depth of 20–50 m. Meanwhile, the subsurface modeling in the research area found the potential volume of the biogenic gas reservoir by 16,793,332 m3.
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