Strategi Rebrand Usaha Berbasis Rumah Tangga Melalui Desain Ulang Tempat Usaha di Kecamatan Pandaan, Kabupaten Pasuruan

Andarita Rolalisasi, Intan Kusumaningayu, Khoudiy Iffiyah, Shinta Fiqi Hutama


This paper presents the community service (PKM) implementation for home based enterprises Pia “Mahen”. The purpose is re-design working place as a producing place and as a training center of Pia making through provided a layout design. These two functions took a same place currently. This condition interfere each functions. This PKM is involving students for apply their design knowledge. The implementation method is used technical assistance for re-design of the working place and the training center. Through the redesign of working place Pia “Mahen” is expected to be increasingly widely known as a producing place of Pia and a training center of Pia making.


Desain ulang; Tempat usaha; Ubah citra; Usaha berbasis rumah tangga

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