Pengolahan Limbah Penggilingan Padi Menjadi Bioplastik menggunakan palstisizer Sorbitol

Kartika Udyani, Krisnadi Rinto, Yuni Handarni


Research on the manufacture of bioplastics from bran is one of the efforts to
develop the development of environmentally friendly plastics because they can be
decomposed by microorganisms. In addition, this study also seeks to reduce
environmental pollution due to the disposal of rice mill waste. The research was
conducted by mixing rice bran with water, sulfuric acid and sorbitol in various
variations of the ratio of sorbitol and bran 1:10; 2:10; 3:10; 4:10 and 5:10 (v:b).
Furthermore, chitosan was added as a reinforcement with variations in the
addition of chitosan with bran, namely 4:10; 6:10; 8:10; 10:10 and 12:10 then
printed and analyzed for dance strength, swelling and surface morphology. The
test results showed the highest tensile strength value in the ratio of sorbitol and
bran 5:10 and chitosan bran 10:10 with the highest tensile strength value of 64.27
MPa and 25% swelling value. Surface morphology shows an uneven and hollow

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